Rival Crock Pot replacement parts

Crock Pot owners:make sure that you keep commonsense in mind...

Over the last few months It has come to my attention that many devout Crock Pot owners are loath to let go of their beloved kitchen slow cooking appliance when it starts to show its age: when wear and tear from service in the kitchen starts to really hamper your crock Pot's performance. Other times it is something sudden and definite that ends your slow cooker's usefulness in the kitchen: an accidental drop can leave your crock pot lid or liner damaged beyond repair.

The other thing to come to my attention is the apparent lack of resourcefulness displayed by some owners; many hate to lose their crock pot but seem to quick to give up on finding a replacement part and instead assume that they are going to have to shell out for a completely new Rival crock pot. Now I can understand this mentality if most of these people deep down actually wanted to purchase a new slow cooker but just did not have a legitimate reason to do so; however so many seem just resigned to this recourse that i am surprised that they didn't try harder to go the Rival Crock Pot replacement parts route.

It is surprising how many people will only try their local department store or cookware store for replacement parts and won't really consider the internet as an alternative. The Rival company's own website, for example, is an excellent resource for locating and purchasing replacement Crock Pot parts. Even if you think that they might be charging more than you would want to spend through their official retail site, it is useful as a yard stick for pricing the needed part(s). As a next step you can just do a simple search for the required replacement part on a search engine site such as Google for many, many alternatives for online purchasing. If you are feeling uncertain about your search results, you can always just look at the ads that show up on the search pages for relevant retailers of Rival slow cooker parts. Many small sites like this one will often even carry advertisements for retailers relevant to the websites content.

Something else that has crossed my mind is the idea that people are often not thinking ahead when making their Crock Pot purchase. you might be someone living on their own who does not usually need to cook much at any one time, but you need to ask yourself: self, am I going to be entertaining and/or cooking for more than just myself anytime in the near future?

If the answer is a yes or even a maybe, then you might just want to consider buying a size of crock pot larger than what you were already looking at. If you were looking at, say ... a 3.5 quart sized crock pot, you might want to consider buying something larger, like a 5 or 6 quarts size crock pot like the model # 38501 or model # 64451, for example. You might feel that this is an unnecessary upgrade and increased expense right off the bat, but in the long run this might actually save you money since you won't find yourself needing to buy a new, larger crock pot down the road...

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